On June 27th at Aldersgate Camps near Salem 30 of the 40 Pray Oregon area connectors gathered for our first annual statewide conference. It was a great time of united worship, fellowship, vision casting, and challenging teaching on hearing God’s heart and healing the land. It was also a time of preparation for an historic day on June 28th with the Decision America Tour, united worship at David’s Tent Oregon, and a great gathering of pastors and prayer leaders (to be reported in our next newsletter). Several Connectors mentioned afterwards that they “got it now,” meaning they had a much better grasp of what we are doing together in Pray Oregon. We continue to have monthly conference calls for each of the 9 regions and look forward to our next gathering.

PATH 2022 Highlights
October 21 and 22, 2022 was an incredibly fruitful prayer meeting, the first of its kind. It all started in the tiny old ranch town of Powell Butte, population 1852.