Opportunities To Give

Where does my donation go?

Pray Oregon is entirely funded by the donations of individuals and businesses who partner with us through monthly and one-time gifts.  

All of our staff are home missionaries and raise their own financial support to sustain their full time or part time ministry.  You may direct your gift to one of our staff members by selecting them below.


Special Events

David's Tent Washington DC

24/7 Worship and Prayer since 2015


Peter and Stake 2017 1

Peter Carlson

Co-Founder, Pray Oregon

Corvallis, Oregon

Peter Carlson is one of the founders and is the Core Team Leader for Pray Oregon. He coordinates initiatives and partners with other organizations to implement national prayer efforts within Oregon.

Laurie Irion

Pray Oregon Regional Connector

Laurie Irion is one of our Pray Oregon Regional Connectors and our statewide Adopt a Legislator coordinator. She coordinates efforts to pray for each of our 30 State Senators and 60 State Representatives.

Mildred "Millie" Yamasaki

Founder of Praise Oregon

Praise Oregon is a sister organization to Pray Oregon, created to support and encourage the community of Christ to “be worshippers” as they embrace the glory of God and his presence in their worship of Yahweh here in Oregon and beyond.

Dan McNair


Dan loves to go on Mission with Jesus! He is assisting with our video production and technology needs.

Praise Oregon

Praise Oregon is dedicated to bring Oregon together in praising Jesus!


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