This year we embarked on a journey to plant Scripture stakes in each of the 36 counties, in the 9 federally recognized Native American tribal lands, and other significant places throughout our state. The purpose for this is to see an increase in the number of people following Christ, to see greater healing for the land, and to foster greater unity and prayer in Oregon.
The Scripture stakes are made of old growth cedar and have 63 passages with over 160 veres reduced to tiny font printed on one page rolled up inside the 4×4 stakes. As we plant God’s word in our soil, we pray it will also be planted in our hearts and activate us to be about the Lord’s work.
The first stake we planted in August was actually in Herrnhut, Germany on the land of the Moravians to partner with their incredible fruitfulness in spreading the Kingdom of God to the nations fueled by a continuous night and day prayer meeting lasting over 100 years. The second stake was planted in October at our nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C during Awaken the Dawn. The first stake we planted in Oregon was with the Klamath, Modoc, Yahooskin Confederated Tribes.

During our Fall Tour in October we planted stakes in Klamath and Jefferson Counties, as well as delivering stakes to multiple other County Connectors and the Siletz Tribe near Newport.
The main text for this is Isaiah 54:2-3:
“Enlarge the place of your tent,
and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out;
do not hold back; lengthen your cords
and strengthen your stakes.
For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left,
and your offspring will possess the nations
and will people the desolate cities.” (ESV)
Our communities are desolate without Jesus Christ being at the center. We need to see the children of God multiply and the Kingdom of God come more in our state, just as so many of us often pray in the Lord’s Prayer.

Left: The Pray Oregon team went to the geographic center of Oregon at Post to plant one of the Scripture stakes.
Right: Just as we were getting ready to plant our stake at Post, a large utility truck for digging power pole holes pulled in. We believe that the Lord is going to do a powerful work in our state!
Ralph (kneeling) and Pam (standing beyond his head) came from Beaverton to be part of the team planting the Scripture stake in Madras for Jefferson County.
Since the Fall Tour completed, Jackson and Benton Counties have each planted their Scripture stake. Betty Denny led the team for Jackson County planting their stake at Table Rock Mountain. Below: 24 people from 4 churches representing 4 generations planted the Benton County stake on top of Mary’s Peak, the highest point in the Oregon Coast range.
As of November 11th we have planted 7 stakes in Oregon at various strategic locations. We have also had requests to share stakes with two more countries and three other states. More staking to come!
Near the end of the Pray Oregon Fall Tour a group of 11 people, including locals from Deschutes and Jefferson Counties, caravanned to the Young Life Washington Family Ranch, WFR, camp where thousands of Jr. High and High School youth attend week-long summer camps each year. A new partnership of Pray Oregon coming alongside these dedicated Young Life staff emerged. We encourage intercessors to find your local YL club, get to know the staff and pray for them. Each of our stakes is numbered 1 – 100, and we left a stake #41 with them as partners in sharing the Gospel in our state. Afterwards, Andrew told us that Young Life was established in 1941!
Left: Donald at the WFR with mining camp theme at the sluice box full of thousands of tiles that Jr. High campers dated with their commitment to follow the Lord.
Over at the High School camp there is a pile of thousands of rocks with names and dates for HS campers who have made similar commitments.
There is one church in Medford that regularly goes out in not only in their community, but visiting other cities near I-5 to share the Good News. They have tracked over 1,000 commitments to the Lord this year! We pray that this kind of focus and fruitfulness will abound throughout the Church in Oregon.